Intelligent automation for mortgage processing

Significantly reduce back office processing and loan approval times with intelligent automation that closes deals faster, reduces costs, and improves customer retention.

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It’s time to move away from legacy automation

Rules-based legacy automation already struggles to extract accurate data or understand context. As mortgage documentation increases in volume and complexity, your business needs another solution. IDP quickly and accurately captures details from any document - even unstructured information. Harnessing AI and ML, IDP removes unnecessary friction, supports your workforce and delivers a faster and less stressful experience for customers.


Data Processing

Automatically extract data and harness machine learning to improve data accuracy, reduce manual data entry and speed up data processing times for faster approvals and more satisfied customers.


Data Analysis

Analyze vast amounts of data in real-time to support faster and more accurate approvals, while reducing risk, driving down waiting times and delivering an enhanced experience for your customers.



Create automated workflows to save time, reduce the need for human intervention and streamline traditionally slow processes to free up staff for higher-value and higher-impact projects.


Business agility

Quickly scale to meet changing demand (without adding friction) by adapting workflows and upgrading processes to allow your organization to focus on enhancing the user experience for customers.

How IDP streamlines the mortgage application process

Powered by industry-leading machine learning, Hyperscience’s IDP solution helps mortgage firms achieve 2x throughput improvements from day 1. Discover how mortgage automation helps you close faster, stay competitive and speed time to ‘yes’.

Automate critical document processing

Harness the power of IDP to streamline processes and automate these labor-intensive tasks

Loan Applications

Closing Disclosures

Credit Reports

IRS Transcription Requests

Underwriting Transmittals

Mortgage insurance disclosures

Mortgage notes & certificates

Personal identification

Ultimate Guide to

Intelligent Document Processing

Cutting costs and speeding up processes with automation is the smart move for mortgage firms. The only question is - which automation technology is right for your business?

Understand your options and make an informed choice by downloading this free guide which explores how accelerating digital transformation drives revenue growth.

Integrated IDP solutions for faster mortgage processing

Our partnership with Hyperscience not only helps your firm close deals faster and make better decisions. It also gives your organization access to a customized IDP solution that seamlessly integrates with your platform to reduce friction from day 1.

Customized API Integration

Every mortgage origination platform is unique. Our team works with you to identify the best integration approach to meet your needs. We develop custom APIs to seamlessly integrate with your existing platform to help you harness the full power of IDP for your business.

Seamless Data Transfer

API integration facilitates the seamless transfer of data between our IDP automation platform and your mortgage origination platform. This reduces the need for manual data entry to improve accuracy, boost efficiency and unlock significant savings for your mortgage firm.

Real-time Status Updates

End-to-end automation allows your mortgage firm to access real-time status updates on loan applications and approvals. More accurate and timely data helps you stay informed on the progress of loan applications and take proactive action to address exceptions.

Streamlined Underwriting

Enable faster and more accurate underwriting decisions with the help of cutomized APIs. Our engineers work closely with you to facilitate the transfer of data between your mortgage origination platform and our IDP automation platform to support enhanced decision-making.

Automated Workflows

Workflow automation streamlines slow and complex processes and speeds up approvals. Capable of achieving end-to-end automation, our platforms automate specific workflows, like document processing and closing procedures, to deliver unparalleled efficiency.

Human-centered automation

Machine learning powers our IDP solution, but people are still very much at the heart of mortgage processing automation. Human-in-the-loop supervision allows your firm to stay across application details without the need for time-consuming manual handling.

Automate mortgage processing to unlock greater success

Position your mortgage firm for growth, whatever the future holds, with scalable, flexible and customizable intelligent automation solutions.

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